Build Updates and Bug Fixes

Been a while since my last formal update, but this one will be short and sweet since I am spending most of my days just continuing to work, and not writing down every little thing that happens (I know, I'm bad at documentation).

I have had 3 successful builds of the game with playtesting sessions mixed in between it all. I'll work on backlogging some updates to keep this devlog flowing, but for now, here are the most recent changes in the latest build:

  • Fixed bug where only player 1 could only block mid-attacks.
  • Adjusted Frame Data to allow for more back and forth.
  • Slowed Game Speed to 80% of previous.
  • Adjusted AI behaviors to match game flow better.
  • Added Stun on Successful Block
  • Updates to multiple UIs.
  • Fixed Some Controllers not working properly
  • Added Controller Remapping

The full demo will be released sometime in the next couple of days following another round of playtesting to iron out the last few game-breaking issues.

Known Bugs:

  • Sometimes the game will result in an infinite black screen if the player wins again the AI.
  • Online desynching causes disconnection from the lobby.
  • Some of AJ Vera's mesh does not move with the rest of their model.
  • No audio or visual feedback when a successful block is done by either player.

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